Suction-assisted fat removal i.e. liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most recurrent cosmetic surgery operations. In its process the excess fat is removed from certain body areas, where it is hard to lose under impact of exercise and/or rigorous diet. Due to the fact that fat cells are removed during the procedure, it guarantees a permanent result. After teenage, the fat cells will not generate in body areas – they will either distend or constrict in keeping with the balance of bodily activity and nutritional habits. For women, the suction-assisted fat removal will usually be performed from abdomen and thighs, for men from abdomen and flanks, however in every particular case the concrete individual needs are to be observed. However with the help of this procedure fat can be removed also from the scruff, hips, knee area, ankles, from beneath jaw, and hands. The best results however are yielded by removal of fat tissue from underbelly abdominal area, hips and outer thigh. Suction-assisted fat removal is not designed to lose the general body weight but to contour the fatty body sites not affected by diet and exercise, and to improve the body proportions.
In the process of one single operation it is possible to remove 0.3 – 7 l of fat. The outcome of operation is permanent in principle. Suction-assisted fat removal is not a substitute for diet or exercise; it is an option for improvement of the body proportions.

The optimum patient for suction-assisted fat removal is an adult in normal body weight, having excess fat aggregates, which usually do not vanish in the process of diet or exercise. The most frequent sites operated on are upper and lower abdomen, hips, inner and outer thighs and inner sides of knees For the most part, during the suction-assisted fat removal operation the general anaesthesia is needed, however in cases of lesser scope it can be performed also with local anaesthesia.

We use the Water – Jet liposuction apparatus. We are dealing here with a suction-assisted fat removal equipment of the newest generation, enabling performance of operation traumatising the tissues to a lesser extent. Injected into the fat tissue is the water jet, whereby the fat cells are repositioned and removed. As compared to the early generation methods, the splitting phase of fat cells is omitted and fat removal occurs more cleanly, without causing trauma to the surrounding tissues. This reduces the rate of consequential bruises and the post-operative pain and is conducive to quicker regaining by patient of a former healthy condition.
Operation is performed by 0.5 cm long incisions in skin. The incisions are preferentially made in the body sites which can be covered with clothes (e.g. bikinis).
If the operation is performed with local anaesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic on the same day. Patients operated on under general anaesthesia must stay in clinic for the post-operative night. Swellings and bruises occur during the first 2-3 weeks. Majority of the patients can return to work and their daily life in one week, or in two weeks. It depends on the number of suction-assisted fat removal sites handled. Plaster bandages and elastic clothing will prevent excessive swellings and bruises and abate the post-operative pain. Heavy physical exertions should be avoided during three weeks after the operation, however light physical activity will improve blood circulation and promote significantly the healing process. During three weeks, strenuous exercises and sauna should be avoided. The end result of the operation will be assessed after 6 months. Temporarily wave-shaped uneven spots and lumps may develop, for the most part evanescing upon expiration of half a year.

Wound care

Keep the wound dry 3 days. Thereafter you can take shower, washing the wound under running water without rubbing it. After washing the wound must be dried. Elastic item of clothing should be worn on the site operated on 4-5 weeks after the operation. Smoking will delay the process of healing of the wounds.
Scar care
Chafing of the scar must be avoided; important is protection against the ultraviolet radiation during 3 months after the operation, to preclude pigmentation of the wounds.

Risks and complications

Every operation will entail risks and complications. Suction-assisted fat removal operation’s risks and complications are minimal, especially in case of liposuction carried out by water pressure technique. Nevertheless, every operation is fraught with the danger of bleeding, inflammation, formation of scar tissue, and with the risks inherent in anaesthesia.

Rasvaimu hind sõltub opereeritavatest piirkondadest


  • 1 prk 1400 EUR
  • 2 prk 1800 EUR
  • 4 prk 2600 EUR
  • 6 prk 3000 EUR
  • 8 prk 3400 EUR
  • 10 prk 3800 EUR
  • 12 prk 4200 EUR

Näited piirkondadest:

Kõhu üla – ja alaosa 4 prk
Kõhu üla – ja alaosa koos külgedega – 6 prk
Jalad (reite sise – ja välisküljed, põlvede siseküljed, vajadusel eripiirkonnad) – 6 prk
Kogu kõht koos jalgadega – 10 – 12 prk
Üksikud piirkonnad (käsivarred, lõuaalune, turi, üksikud kõhu – või jalapiirkonnad, meestel rinnad

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