Post-operative period

Diet after bariatric operation

1st – 3rd days – translucent liquids at room temperature – water, weak sugarless tea, fat-free vegetable, beef or chicken broth (without solid pieces).
The goal is to consume at least 1.5 l of liquid per day. The regularly taken drugs must be crushed. Liquids must be ingested by sipping, distributed over relatively equal periods.
4th – 7th days – in addition to the above the fat-free yoghurt, diluted natural juices, kefir, protein drinks (low fat and sugar content).
8th – 13th days – in addition, low-fat cream soups.
After 2 weeks – meals reduced to a puree: vegetable, chicken, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, porridges. Ingestion of vitamins is to be started (see below).
In the first three weeks, citrus juices and tomato juice are to be avoided. The most suitable is the cranberry juice. Liquids must be consumed in between the meals, not simultaneously with food. Protein-rich nutrients must be preferred.
After 3 weeks – tender foods. Food need not be reduced to a puree however it must be boiled/cooked very tender and/or chopped fine (e.g. minced meat).
Forbidden during the first months are carbonated (bubble) drinks and alcohol. During the first month the consumption of caffeine-containing drinks is not advised. Smoking during the first months significantly affects the healing process.
More than one month after operation – it is recommended, rather to give up feeding on liquid meals and meals reduced to a puree, and to replace them with solid food. Eat 5 – 6 times per day and drink between meals.  Consume at least 80 g proteins per day (for example, it is contained in 180 g fillet beef).
All patients are recommended to use, long after bariatric operation, the multi-vitamins, b12 vitamin, calcium, iron- and D-vitamin preparations. Basing on regular blood analyses, the individual need in the patient’s lifespan for various substances will be determined.
After the bypass operation the fat may not fully absorb, therefore eating fat-rich foods may cause diarrhoea, to prevent whereof the amounts of fat consumed should be reduced. After operation, lactose intolerance may often occur, however that is individual for every given patient. Lactose intolerance may be caused by the reduced quantity in organism of the lactose splitting enzymes. With lactose intolerance in evidence, the patient should consume products prepared from soya milk, together with calcium preparations.

Vitamins and micro-elements:

Multi-vitamins, providing 0.8mg folic acid, 36mg iron, Zn, selenium and other elements. For example Apovit polyvitamin 1 tablet 2 times per day. Calcium citrate 800-1200mg per day distributed into 2 doses. For example Calcium Citrate 2 tablets 2 times per day. D-vitamin 400-800 IU per day (is usually contained in calcium preparations), orally ingested b12 vitamin 200-350 micrograms per day, Neuromax Forte or Neuromultivit 1 tablet once per day.
Physical exercise after bariatric operation
The aim of bariatric operation is not becoming slim but gaining health, looking better and living longer. The operation will provide you a position giving an advantage for proceeding further. The way you are being nourished further on, is as important as physical exercise.
For the most part, after operation you can stand up on the first day and stroll a bit. The exercise in the first days is important for thrombosis prophylaxis. Prolong your strolling time by steps and do it every day.
From the 10th day on you should walk daily at least 30 – 35 min. The rate of motion must not cause inconvenience and make you breathe very rapidly. Prolong the time of exercise by steps however do not make it too strenuous. Helpful would be the pulse watch, to keep heart rate in check. The excessive heart rate may trigger the catabolic effect – a condition that is mainly caused by over-exercise along with a lack of sufficient nutrition – instead of burning fat, hydrocarbons providing energy to brain are burned; to obtain the latter, the organism will proceed to splitting the vital proteins. Besides walking, suitable for exercise in the first months are velo-ergometer, and paddle ergometer.
6 – 8 weeks after operation you must set to planning your future exercise programme. Besides the aerobic exercise you muscles need practice. In longer perspective, increasing of the muscle mass is the best method to burn calories, because it determines the metabolic activity both at rest and in motion. Increasing of the muscle mass by 0.5 kg will enable you to consume 300kcal more in a week without excessive fat generation. The more so, building muscle mass will provide you a better general immunity and also a more appealing outlook. Start with lighter weights taking care not to overstrain. It is advisable to keep protein drinks on your menu.
You can embark on running and other active sports after you have achieved loss of weight sufficient to avoid excessive stretching of ligaments. For that, you could reckon with one year after operation.
Once you have got into the habit of a regular exercise, you will not be likely willing to ever drop it thanks to an excellent feeling gained.

Physical exercise after bariatric operation

The aim of bariatric operation is not becoming slim but gaining health, looking better and living longer. The operation will provide you a position giving an advantage for proceeding further. The way you are being nourished further on, is as important as physical exercise.
For the most part, after operation you can stand up on the first day and stroll a bit. The exercise in the first days is important for thrombosis prophylaxis. Prolong your strolling time by steps and do it every day.
From the 10th day on you should walk daily at least 30 – 35 min. The rate of motion must not cause inconvenience and make you breathe very rapidly. Prolong the time of exercise by steps however do not make it too strenuous. Helpful would be the pulse watch, to keep heart rate in check. The excessive heart rate may trigger the catabolic effect – a condition that is mainly caused by over-exercise along with a lack of sufficient nutrition – instead of burning fat, hydrocarbons providing energy to brain are burned; to obtain the latter, the organism will proceed to splitting the vital proteins. Besides walking, suitable for exercise in the first months are velo-ergometer, and paddle ergometer.
6 – 8 weeks after operation you must set to planning your future exercise programme. Besides the aerobic exercise you muscles need practice. In longer perspective, increasing of the muscle mass is the best method to burn calories, because it determines the metabolic activity both at rest and in motion. Increasing of the muscle mass by 0.5 kg will enable you to consume 300kcal more in a week without excessive fat generation. The more so, building muscle mass will provide you a better general immunity and also a more appealing outlook. Start with lighter weights taking care not to overstrain. It is advisable to keep protein drinks on your menu.
You can embark on running and other active sports after you have achieved loss of weight sufficient to avoid excessive stretching of ligaments. For that, you could reckon with one year after operation.
Once you have got into the habit of a regular exercise, you will not be likely willing to ever drop it thanks to an excellent feeling gained.

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